Monday, February 23, 2009

ICE SKATING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last weekend I went ice skating with my friend Robby. At first I was a little nervous because last year
I cut myself in the head. But I learned to do it slowly with a few falls. Then I went to try hockey.
That did not work for 2 seconds. All these people were coming at me from all directions. So I went
back to regular skating. Then I went to get a snack. That hot chocolate was steaming hot. Then I went back to falling and getting up again. By the time we were done I was way better than when I got there!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Creighton!! When I was in grade 3 I went ice skating on a class field trip and I got cut in the head by a friend's skate - we can compare scars when i come out to visit in June!

Glad that you had fun skating this year!

Miss you,