Monday, February 23, 2009

ICE SKATING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last weekend I went ice skating with my friend Robby. At first I was a little nervous because last year
I cut myself in the head. But I learned to do it slowly with a few falls. Then I went to try hockey.
That did not work for 2 seconds. All these people were coming at me from all directions. So I went
back to regular skating. Then I went to get a snack. That hot chocolate was steaming hot. Then I went back to falling and getting up again. By the time we were done I was way better than when I got there!

Monday, February 16, 2009

mega playdate

Yesterday I had another playdate with Wyatt. This time we played DS for a bit then went out side
to see if we could find anything with his metal detector. All we found were pipes. Then we went back inside. We played his X box for a bit then we played wii. then when my mom got there I hid.
But the found me. So that was the end of that play date. But today me and him are going to see the pink panther 2. That will be fun. Last weekend I had a swim meet up in fishers,In. I had very little food so I got really tired. At school I got elected alt. student council rep. for my class. A lot of people
liked my ideas.